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RTU Timeshare

RTU Timeshare: What You Need To Know

If you’ve been searching for a timeshare, chances are you’ve come across a few unfamiliar terms. From “leasehold” to “floating week” to “fractional ownership,” the parlance of the timeshare industry can seem like a different language. Another lesser-known timeshare term is “right to use,” aka “RTU.” If you’ve encountered this term and aren’t sure what …

Sapporo Magnificent ice scupture.

Exploring Sapporo: Japan’s Enchanting Snow Festival

Sapporo Magnificent ice scupture. Photo by Masayoshi Sakamto Go World Travel is reader-supported and may earn a commission from purchases made through links in this piece. When you think of iconic winter festivals, North Americans might picture the vibrant Carnaval de Québec in Quebec City, Canada. Meanwhile, the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival—one …