An Unfiltered Look at Workaway Farm Life in Italy

Go World Travel is reader-supported and may earn a commission from purchases made through links in this piece.

It took a whole week for us to master the delicate and dangerous art of feeding two gluttonous 200-pound hogs, a skill that came with a steep learning curve. Making the slop was the easy part, even when the grain was nowhere to be found and our Workaway host family wasn’t contactable.

The hardest part was leaping over an electric fence into a cesspool of mud and urine, fighting for our lives to get to the troughs, and dumping the appetizing mix in before getting mauled.

I had romanticized pigs my entire life believing that they were adorable, underrated creatures – and some may be if raised differently. But big fat farm hogs are a different breed, designed with the sole purpose of biting the hand that feeds them and making one’s ears bleed from their satanic squeals.

Regardless of spawning from the depths of hell, sometimes their cute little snorts were rather charming and their mud-covered snouts made me swoon. They never ceased to lure me like the melodic sirens in Odysseus, knowing without a doubt they would chew me to pieces if they had the chance.

After all, this is what I signed up for. To live on a small farm in rural Italy for two weeks while the hosts were on vacation – with the responsibility of caring for five cats (three of which were kittens), one dog, two horses, five (soon four) chickens, and of course two hogs. What could possibly go wrong?

First of All, What is Workaway?

Workaway may be one of the most revolutionary budget travel concepts to exist. When I first heard about the idea, I was giddy for weeks and spent most of my spare time scrolling the endless volunteer opportunities (some are even paid) that they have all around the world.

Similar to a work exchange program, it is an extensive database that pairs hosts with volunteers. Specific conditions are set up by each host family including what they’re offering, what kind of help they’re looking for, and other logistics. Most host families offer accommodation and board in exchange for 4-5 hours of work per day.

The database is highly searchable by location, length of stay, internet connection and a variety of other helpful filters. They even have a way to search for hosts that enjoy hosting digital nomads – so you can even work during your stay.

The best part is that the vast majority of opportunities are entirely cost-free (although, it’s worth noting that Workaway does require an annual subscription fee – details to follow).

You can choose to volunteer on your own, search for options where you can meet other Workawayers, or volunteer with your loved ones. I roped my poor boyfriend into joining me on my Italian farm adventure, exposing a side to my insanity that fortunately he tolerated swimmingly.

My Workaway Experience

Beautiful olive grove on the property. Photo by Isabella MillerBeautiful olive grove on the property. Photo by Isabella Miller
Beautiful olive grove on the property. Photo by Isabella Miller

Having volunteered on a couple of family farms before, I wanted my first Workaway experience to be farm-centric. Aside from my routine problem of idealizing different jobs, I felt like I could actually handle a farm because I love animals and because I had a job spending hours alone tending to grapevines in a Michigan vineyard.

This particular farm was located 50 minutes outside of Rome in a small town called Toffia. With gorgeous mountains decorated with olive trees and lush greenery, it was such an idyllic escape. We arrived two days before the owners left, so we could learn the ropes and get settled. The farmhouse was cozy and humble with a beautiful view of the villages across the valley.

Francesco and Bijaya, the wonderful couple who hosted us, provided us with fresh pasta made from the grain they grew with with vegetables plucked from the vegetable garden.

I love that it is part of Italian culture to prioritize fresh, high-quality food. Francesco mostly sells grains and olive byproducts to the local towns. We helped bottle olive oil during the first two days and were embarrassingly bad at it, spilling oil all over the place. We also showcased our ADHD by forgetting to turn off the hoses a little too often which concerned our hosts.

Finally, when we got the hang of everything, they left and we had the full place to ourselves.

The Early Days

The charming town of Toffia, Italy. Photo by Isabella MillerThe charming town of Toffia, Italy. Photo by Isabella Miller
Stunning views of the town of Toffia, a 40-minute trek from the farm. Photo by Isabella Miller

Within the first hour of the first day, my boyfriend, Jimmy, started to brew a pot of coffee and left it to go take care of the animals. I woke up about 20 minutes later to the smell of burning plastic and smoke flooding the house.

To my horror, the plastic parts of the coffee pot melted onto the stove and all the contents burned, rendering the pot (and thankfully not us) dead. I rushed to get Jimmy who felt incredibly guilty and our plan was to try to hunt down a replacement in Toffia.

It was a 45-minute walk to and from Toffia, uphill both ways. Toffia was a beautiful town that probably sees one tourist a year if that. There were no restaurants at all or really anything for that matter besides a small bar and a grocery store which was closed each time we went, causing immense frustration and limiting us to only eating Francesco’s stash of potatoes and any vegetables we could find in the garden. We consumed an entire bag of potatoes during our stay out of mere necessity.

What didn’t help was the fact that two needy animals were doing everything they could to come to the market with us, a problem that took us about an hour to remedy. Like Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible, Jimmy herded the dog and cat into the garage and rolled under the garage door as I closed it, right before the animals tried to squeeze their way out.

And after all that, the grocery store was closed that day anyway. And we never found a coffee pot.

Our Main Task, Feeding the Animals

Deceptively cute farm hogs. Photo by Isabella MillerDeceptively cute farm hogs. Photo by Isabella Miller
Cute, but deadly. Photo by Isabella Miller

Our primary job was to feed all 15 of the animals in the morning and the evening, something we thought would be a piece of cake. We were sorely mistaken.

In the time that we were there, we had a pig that reeked of impatience bust through the electric fence to let us know how hungry it was. Terrified of these monsters, we strategically lured it back in with some slop and grass. The pigs were by far the most difficult creatures to take care of.

The cats were the second most high maintenance, mostly due to their aggressive neediness. We were followed around all day long serenaded by their little meows. The kittens in particular needed a lot of attention and love but we didn’t mind because they were so sweet. They never bit or scratched us unlike Yoda the dog.

Feeding them was a chore because some cats would get more than others and we had to continually keep the dog from eating their food. We also spent a significant amount of time trying to wrangle these creatures and keep them out of the house (they weren’t allowed inside).

Chickens, However, Are the Toughest to Wrangle 

There were four chickens and one rooster all kept inside a coop. The rooster was a new addition to the household, plagued by a nasty attitude and overwhelming amounts of testosterone. We didn’t once observe this rooster treating his roommates with respect which became hard to watch.

A few days into our stay, we found a pile of feathers in the corner of the coop, which we soon realized was a chicken pecked to death by the rooster. On top of all of the other mistakes and struggles we had along the way, the last thing we wanted to report back was that one of their chickens was killed on our watch.

We knew we had to do something about this rooster before he harmed anyone else. The hosts advised us to chuck the carcass of the dead chicken far into the woods (for the foxes and coyotes) and to let the rooster out to wander. They said it’s normal for him to move into the neighboring coop on his own after sunset. They luckily weren’t upset about the death of the chicken. After all, they were farmers and this kind of thing happens all the time.

The next challenge was trying to let the rooster out without all the chickens escaping, one we miserably failed at. Two chickens took their opportunity to bolt out leading Jimmy and me on a wild chicken chase that lasted a couple of hours.

The rooster never did return to the coop like we were told, so yet again we looked everywhere on the property, praying that he too wasn’t killed. We were cockadoodledooing like maniacs becoming more and more desperate the darker it got. A couple of hours later, we found him at the top of the highest tree on the property, right next to the house. How he got up there will forever remain a mystery.

Other Delightful Obstacles

The protective, flea-ridden farm dog, Yoda. Photo by Isabella MillerThe protective, flea-ridden farm dog, Yoda. Photo by Isabella Miller
The protective, poorly-trained, flea-ridden dog, Yoda. Photo by Isabella Miller

Before Francesco and Bijaya left, wild boars were mentioned in passing. Apparently, it isn’t too uncommon to encounter a couple of these creatures on the property. Boars are no joke. I remember learning about how dangerous they can be and after dealing with the horrors of these so-called domesticated pigs, I could only imagine.

Jimmy and I took turns taking the trash out and doing the dishes each night. The trash in Italy is divided into what feels like a thousand categories (cardboard, glass, paper, metal, plastic, regular trash, etc.) Categories were taken out on different days of the week (basically every night). This wouldn’t be too much of a problem if the trash “spot” wasn’t so far away.

One night, when it was Jimmy’s turn to bring the trash out, he encountered a herd of 20-30 wild boars, snorting away. Petrified, he knew his only option was to walk slowly back to the house, luckily with Yoda by his side for protection. If I was in that scenario, I probably would’ve climbed a tree and stayed there for the night.

Our Final Day

The burnt and melted coffee pot. Photo by Isabella MillerThe burnt and melted coffee pot. Photo by Isabella Miller
The melted coffee pot that almost burned the house down. Photo by Isabella Miller

The next day, Francesco and Bijaya returned and we broke the news about the coffee pot and all the other ridiculous things that happened. As the cherry on top, when Francesco took us to the train station, we saw the trash Jimmy took out completely demolished by the boars.

Also, they don’t have any semblance of a dumpster – you literally just place the bags on a ledge. Perhaps a real dumpster with a lid that closes would prevent animals from tearing up the trash but what do I know?

We left on a good note with our host family, even though we brought chaotic energy to their farm. But what I learned is that farms are chaotic in general and that they are difficult but rewarding to maintain. I know that I will always miss those animals.

Would I want to own a farm one day? No. Not at all. I would volunteer on them again merely for the experience of it. One of the coolest parts about Workaway is that you can try a variety of experiences without committing to making them your life.  

The Many Redeeming Moments

The clingiest kittens you'll ever meet. Photo by Isabella MillerThe clingiest kittens you'll ever meet. Photo by Isabella Miller
The clingiest kittens you’ll ever meet. Photo by Isabella Miller

We spent our free time relaxing in the sun outside, plucking ticks out of kittens (my boyfriend’s specialty), cooking the freshest food using ingredients straight from the garden (Courtesy of the boyfriend as well. Boyfriends sometimes come in handy).

I also was able to get a lot of work done during the visit, so it certainly is possible to be a digital nomad while doing a Workaway. We grew stronger as a couple and enjoyed a gorgeous slice of Italy we probably would have never seen otherwise.

So at the End of the Day – Would I Recommend Workaway?

Absolutely yes. So much so that I already have two other adventures planned, this time with a dear friend of mine. It is hands down the best way to travel on a budget and experience something you would never expect.

Reasons to Do Workaway

There are endless amounts of reasons to try out Workaway for yourself. Beyond it being an amazing experience, it is a great opportunity for a cultural exchange.

  • Amazing Cultural Exchange: Simply visiting a country and hitting all the tourist spots is a great way to travel, but if you want true cultural immersion, nothing is better than living with locals and learning their ways of life.
  • Budget Travel: Aside from transportation costs to Rome, and buying a few additional groceries, we didn’t spend anything for the two weeks we lived in Toffia. You could travel endlessly on a budget if you stack up a bunch of volunteer opportunities like this.
  • Learning Opportunity: No matter what Workaway opportunity you choose, I can guarantee that you will learn something. Whether that be a new skill, a new culture, and/or, a new lifestyle, learning is inevitable if you try out Workaway.

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Isabella MillerIsabella Miller

Isabella Miller is a travel journalist and editor at Go World Travel Magazine. She is a passionate world explorer with an appreciation for the vast range of the human experience. She wants to live it all, from backcountry camping in the Great Sand Dunes to marinating in a saltwater geothermal pool in the Italian Alps. She loves the yin and yang of cities and nature, celebrations and peace, adventure and relaxation. The best kind of trip is when all of the above coexist. This world is nuanced and delicate, filled with infinite stories to tell. She takes great pride and joy in sharing her discoveries with the world.

Isabella MillerIsabella Miller
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Timeshare Maintenance Fees 101 | What Happens If You Don’t Pay?

Timeshare maintenance fees are one of the most important parts of vacation ownership, but they’re also one of the least talked about. What are these fees, what do they cover, and what happens if you stop paying timeshare maintenance fees? In truth, these timeshare fees play a major role in the maintenance of your resort. So if you like the amenities, accommodations, and service that make your timeshare resort as luxurious as it is, these fees are definitely worth the cost. With that said, there is a way to to walk away from timeshare maintenance fees if you decide you’re no longer interested in them. Either way, knowledge is power! If you’re on the fence about buying a timeshare, you’ll need to know as much as you can about timeshare maintenance fees.

What Are Timeshare Maintenance Fees?

Resorts are beautiful, luxurious getaways we love to visit year after year. Ever wonder what keeps them just so grand? You guessed it: timeshare maintenance fees. Part of the upkeep of vacation ownership is divided between all of the owners. Maintenance fees are required dues that owners pay to maintain the resort. They go towards employee wages, upkeep, and renovations.

Needless to say, these fees are an important part of regular maintenance that keeps the resort going. Would you want to be an owner at a resort that is dirty, has poor customer service or outdated amenities? We’d hope not! You can think of timeshare maintenance fees as the upkeep of a vacation home, except they are less expensive, and a timeshare company handles the maintenance of the property for you.

How Much Are Maintenance Fees?

ARDA and the timeshare industry

Depending on your resort and your unit, fees vary widely. Keep in mind every owner at every resort pays maintenance fees. That means the associated costs are divided among all owners, which means you are actually paying less. Every few years, the American Resort Development Association, or ARDA, releases reports on the timeshare industry, the cost of ownership, and more. According to ARDA’s 2022 State of the Industry Report, the average maintenance fee per interval is $1,120.

When Are Maintenance Fees Due?

The due date for maintenance fees also varies by developer. Most of these are annual maintenance fees, but other resorts may require them to be paid monthly, quarterly, or even bi-annually. When considering becoming an owner, it’s important to know when your fees will be due so you can be prepared and get the most out of your vacation ownership. Generally, fees are due at the beginning of the year or around the time of your use year. Check your contract to see exactly when they are due. Failing to pay your maintenance fees can result in some unpleasant situations as an owner.

What Do Timeshare Maintenance Fees Cover?

Many owners wonder what exactly their maintenance fees go towards. As a few examples, they cover upgrades to the resort and units, emergency funds, and more.

Unit Upgrades and Maintenance

Las Vegas Diamond Resorts Carriage House For Sale Rent Hilton Grand Vacations HGVC Living Room RCI Resorts in Las Vegas NV course with yearly maintenance fees

Just like owning a car or a house, a timeshare requires maintenance. Every year, you have costs associated with caring for your home and automobile. This concept also applies to vacation ownership. Maintenance fees cover the cost of upgrades to your unit, for example, new appliances, new beds, lighting fixtures, and air conditioning servicing, just to name a few. Of all the benefits timeshare owners pay for, this is definitely one many timeshare owners understand the significance of.


Not to mention, they also cover the cost of maintaining the grounds of your resort. The trees don’t trim themselves! Additionally, the annual fees you pay make sure your family is safe on vacation since the resort invests money into making the grounds safe and secure.

Holiday's Lounge Ancora Punta Cana timeshare ownership

New Amenities

You’re also compensating for the on-site amenities that require care during the year. This can include the labor and supplies needed to maintain pools, spas, gyms, and parks that are associated with your resort. This also enables the resort to bring you new and improved attractions and on-site amenities year after year.

In Case of Emergency

In addition to these factors, maintenance fees are also used during emergency situations. If your resort is affected by inclement weather, it can be repaired using the maintenance fees you’ve already paid. This means when serious weather strikes, owners aren’t asked to pay even more to cover the damages. Paying these fees is a normal part of owning a timeshare and should be expected when deciding to own your vacations.

What Happens If I Stop Paying My Timeshare Maintenance Fees?

pay timeshare maintenance fees

Curious what happens if you just stop paying your timeshare maintenance fees? It’s not recommended. If you stop paying your timeshare maintenance fees, you will likely default on your ownership. This not only hurts the resort, but it hurts you and your credit. Like a home going into foreclosure, the resort takes the ownership back, and it will stay on your credit report for seven years.

This can be a real concern for people that are trying to buy a house, a car or anything that requires a credit check before purchase. Many timeshare cancellation companies will tell you to stop paying your maintenance fees while they work on “getting you out,” however, in the fine print of their contracts, a successful cancellation includes foreclosure.

As a result, it’s important to be wary of any timeshare cancellation company, regardless of how appealing the option may seem. Walking away from timeshare maintenance fees is no simple task! If you don’t want to pay your annual maintenance fee, your best bet is to get in contact with the timeshare company in charge of your unit or selling your timeshare.

Learn more: Timeshare Exit Scams All Owners Need to Know!

What If I Can’t Pay Them?

As we’ve said before, it’s important to talk to your timeshare developer if you’re ever in a situation where you can’t pay your timeshare maintenance fees. They may have options to help you, like an in-house rental program or exit solutions.

If you do not make payments on your maintenance fees, you could hurt your credit. Timeshare contracts outline the necessity of paying maintenance fees when you sign, so it’s important that you do so. Regardless if you use your timeshare or not, your fees need to be paid. That responsibility is just part of being a timeshare owner. After all, the resort and your unit will still need regular upkeep.

Learn more: How to Exit Your Timeshare Responsibly With Safe Options!

Are Timeshares Really Worth the Maintenance Fees?

While it may seem like there’s a lot to consider when it comes to maintenance fees, it’s important to remember what you’re paying for. Timeshares offer triple the space of a hotel room, and points-based timeshares give you tons of flexibility to travel whenever or wherever you want. If you like lots of room to stretch your legs, and luxurious vacations filled with amenities, then timeshares are very much worth it!

Buy Timeshare on eBay Alternative

If you’re looking to purchase a timeshare, our resale marketplace is packed with timeshares in popular destinations like Hawaii, New York, Orlando, and more! What are you waiting for?

What Should I Do When I’m Not Using My Timeshare?

sell wyndham timeshare with Timeshares Only

For the years you haven’t used your timeshare, you have the option of renting it out. Renting your timeshare is a great way to put some money back in your pocket and help to pay off your maintenance fees. If you find you don’t want to use your timeshare at all anymore, you may be able to sell it to a new owner who is looking to become an owner or ad to their existing ownership. At Timeshares Only, we help timeshare owners like you rent out their timeshare every day. We’ll post a listing for your rental on our marketplace before using our cutting-edge marketing strategy to promote it to other timeshare owners around the world. That way, you’ll still get some use out of your timeshare even when you don’t visit.

What Happens if You Default on a Timeshare?

If you stop paying your timeshare maintenance fees or mortgage, you will default on your ownership. If you default on your timeshare, it will hurt your credit score and show on your credit report for seven years. This means that when you try to borrow money during that time period, the default can have a negative impact. You could be denied from receiving a loan on a home, car, or other goods you apply for.

Is There Any Way I Can Walk Away From My Timeshare Maintenance Fees?

As we mentioned before, you should never just stop paying your timeshare maintenance fees. The consequences of what happens when you stop paying them are higher than what timeshare maintenance fees cost. With that said, there are two ways you can walk away from your timeshare maintenance fees.

The Rescission Period

If you’ve only recently purchased a timeshare and decided you don’t want it, you may still be within the rescission period. This period is a small window of time where you can give the timeshare back to its resort developer. If you do so during this timeframe, you will receive a full refund for your purchase. The timeshare rescission period varies from state to state, with most having a period that ranges from three to fifteen days. Before buying a timeshare, be aware of the rescission period. If you’ve owned a timeshare for longer than the rescission period, don’t worry! There’s still a way for you to walk away from timeshare maintenance fees.

Selling Your Timeshare

If you’re sure you no longer want to stop paying maintenance fees, a safe way to exit your timeshare is by selling it. While you likely won’t be able to recoup all your costs, it’s a great way to ensure you won’t have to pay a maintenance fee again. If you’ve made sure a timeshare isn’t for you, Timeshares Only can help.

Sell Your Timeshare With Timeshares Only

Sell My Timeshare Ownership from a Timeshare Company So I Don't Have to Pay Timeshare Maintenance Fees

Much like how we can help you rent out your timeshare, we can also help you list it on our marketplace to sell it on the resale market. We’ve been in the industry for over 20 years, and as a member of ARDA, we follow a strict set of guidelines that helps to keep everyone in the industry safe. With Timeshares Only, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-610-2734 or email us at [email protected]. We’re always happy to help!

Sell Your Timeshare

And say goodbye to your maintenance fees for good!

Vacation Innovations Wins 2024 ARDA Awards for Best New Product, Prestigious ACE Emerging Leader Award


Vacation Innovations Wins 2024 ARDA Awards for Best New Product, Prestigious ACE Emerging Leader Award


Vacation Innovations (“VI” or the “Company”), a leading provider of travel-related products, software, and services, was recently honored with two awards in the 2024 American Resort Development Association (ARDA) Awards Program.

The Company received the New Products: Industry Partner award for its Maintenance Fee Protection program, a first-of-its-kind product that reimburses the cost of annual maintenance fees for timeshare owners when they are unable to use their interval or points. This product serves the interests of both the consumer and the industry, providing relief for owners who can’t make use of their ownership while contributing to the financial health of timeshare owners’ associations. The Company also earned the prestigious ARDA ACE Emerging Leader Award, recognizing Alex Glover, Director of Communications, as a professional on the rise within the resort industry.

“We believe in the strength of this industry and are proud to have paid more than $150 million in maintenance fees directly to developers over the past decade,” said Bryan Rand, president of Vacation Innovations. “Our Maintenance Fee Protection product is a natural evolution, and we have already reimbursed more than $2 million to owners—a number we expect to increase significantly as this program gains momentum among our individual clients and developer partners.”

The ARDA Awards Program recognizes the top performers, products, and companies in vacation ownership across multiple categories and is one of the highest levels of recognition within the industry.

“We are incredibly proud of our products and our people for earning the recognition they deserve,” said Chad Newbold, CEO of Vacation Innovations. “We’re proud to serve as a trusted partner within the industry, and Maintenance Fee Protection is just one of our many products, services, and experiences that solve a complex industry need while contributing to our partners’ bottom line and the overall health of the timeshare industry.”

Vacation Innovations continues to produce innovative solutions for timeshare developers around the globe and is focused on expanding its tour generation and developer tools, leveraging its brands, programs, and technology to increase sales and improve the guest experience.

The Company maintains a strong presence within the industry with executive-level representation at key events led by the Global Networking Experience (GNEX), the Canadian Resort and Travel Association (CRTA), the Asociación Mexicano de Desarrolladores Turísticos (AMDETUR), the Asociación de Complejos Vacacionales y Turísticos (ACOTUR), the Cooperative Association of Resort Exchangers (C.A.R.E.), and more.

About Vacation Innovations

Founded in 1999, Vacation Innovations ( is a leading provider of travel-related products, software and services. Leveraging advanced digital marketing strategies, sophisticated software solutions, and decades of experience in vacation ownership, VI brings new vacation opportunities to a diverse audience of novice and seasoned travelers alike. The Vacation Innovations family of brands offers a wide range of travel services, including simplified resort rentals, online advertising and marketing products for by-owner timeshare sales and rentals, licensed timeshare brokerage and title transfer services, as well as customized owner services, tour generation, and product solutions for timeshare resorts, resort developers, HOAs and timeshare management companies. VI has been previously recognized with the 2022 ARDA Award for Business Administration or Operations Team and the 2024 GNEX Vacation Industry Awards for Best Overall CompanyBest Membership Program, and Best Marketing Professional.

A Horseback Adventure in Seville

Go World Travel is reader-supported and may earn a commission from purchases made through links in this piece.

A Morning in Sierra Norte

On a glorious, pastel-colored morning on a farm outside Almaden de la Plata, in southern Spain’s Sierra Norte, I was introduced to my vacation horse.

Originally, I had been allocated Shorty, but he had been ill and was not yet well.

“So,” said Natalie, my hostess, “I’ll put you on Biko.

He’s my five-year-old ― gelded six months’ ago…”Eh?! My stomach somersaulted as I wrestled with the anxiety lodged in my throat.

Riding young horses, particularly ones that were stallions only six months ago, is not something I like.

I am an intermediate rider, but had spent most of last year out of the saddle whilst I recovered from major cancer surgery. I really wasn’t at my most confident.

I had traveled to this remote part of the Andalusia region (about an hour’s drive north of the regional capital Seville) for a five-day horseback riding vacation with Spirit of Andalusia, run by British couple Natalie Blake and Richard Askew.

I had always wanted to visit the medieval city of Seville and to combine that trip with another of my passions ― horseback riding. Spirit of Andalusia offered just that: A week riding and a weekend in magnificent Seville.

Meeting the Horseman

Iberian horses. Photo by Canva
Iberian horses. Photo by Canva

Natalie and Richard had started their operation in the beautiful and protected part of rural Seville province only 18 months prior to my visit.

They offer riding vacations from their farm for most of the year except the summer months, when it is far too hot for man or beast.

Natalie is a highly qualified, experienced horsewoman who clearly adores her eight Iberian horses.

Iberians are the indigenous horses of the Iberian Peninsula, bred for strength, courage, intelligence, power and fine temperament.

They are often used to fight bulls and to work with cattle. Historically they were the battle horse of choice.

I had not booked any riding lessons, but Natalie is open to arranging personalized itineraries for clients, if discussed in advance.

Richard, amongst many other talents, makes the fantastic picnic lunches we gorged ourselves on each day.

Our Hotel

Their farmhouse accommodation hadn’t yet been built, so we stayed in a traditional casa rural, a small family-owned hotel in the heart of the village of Almaden.

Our accommodation was lovely. Very simple, homey and very Spanish, with a courtyard, olive trees, terracotta tiles and whitewashed walls.

Each morning, Richard picked my friend Ann and me up in a four-wheel-drive vehicle. He took us for breakfast in one of the village bars and then drove us down the dusty tracks to the farm.

And so, I had to face Biko. But my anxiety was short-lived. Biko is an Andalusian.

What is an Andalusian Horse?

Beautiful Andalusian horse. Photo by CanvaBeautiful Andalusian horse. Photo by Canva
Beautiful Andalusian horse. Photo by Canva

There is some dispute about the definition of an Andalusian horse, but the term is usually used to refer to an Iberian horse that was bred in Andalusia.

Their qualities are comparable to the Iberians ― strong, gentle, intelligent, fast and powerful.

Biko had slender limbs and a strong muscled body as one would expect from his breed. He was delightful and kind; so I fell in love with him immediately.

The daily treks were varied and interesting, some challenging, some leisurely.

We crossed rivers, rode farm tracks, old mule tracks, rocky tracks, dusty tracks, woods, gorges, mountain tracks, and part of the Camino Santiago de Compostela ― an important pilgrim’s way.

Our routes took us through the shady cork-oak forests of the Sierra Norte, part of Spain’s longest mountain range (Sierra Morena), which separates Andalusia from the rest of Spain.

Here we saw the prized black Iberian pigs that feast solely on acorns, to olive groves where sun-beaten farmers were tending their crop the traditional way ― with a spade and scythe.

The views from the top of each hill we climbed were breathtaking.

One perfect evening we cantered through the cork-oak forest, over little gullies and ditches, dodging the low branches of ripening acorns, the air warm and the sunlight mellowing to a gentle golden glow.

The Beautiful Countryside

Andalusian countryside. Photo by CanvaAndalusian countryside. Photo by Canva
Andalusian countryside. Photo by Canva

The Andalusian countryside was beautiful ― parched to gold and unbelievably peaceful. This is the stuff that feeds the soul!

Birdsong, our horses’ hooves, and the occasional barking of hunting dogs echoing across the valley were often the only sounds we heard.

Sometimes there would be a goat bleat, a deep bovine moo, or the excited whinnying of another horse on hearing us approach.

Almost everyone appeared to own a horse. Horsemanship is a huge part of the culture in this area of Spain, as is bullfighting (some horses are used for training the bulls) and flamenco dancing.

Andalusia is a poor area of Europe, and horses are actually still used as a means of transportation for some people. We even found one horse “parked” outside our pension one morning!

The horses were a pleasure to ride and virtually bombproof. We galloped over farmland with farm dogs snapping at our heels, shuffled down steep descents and strode up long ascents.

Then, we trotted passed hunting kennels, sending whole packs of dogs into frenzied barking, alerting shy wild deer to our presence in the Parque Forestal, one of Spain’s many National Parks.

We wandered over pastures where goats and toffee-colored cows either scattered on seeing us, or looked up at us with lazy curiosity.

Authentic Andalusian Lunch

Gazpacho. Photo by CanvaGazpacho. Photo by Canva
Gazpacho. Photo by Canva

After a hard morning’s riding in the Spanish sun, what lunch could be better than perfectly chilled gazpacho, crusty bread, warm tortilla, and Tinto Verano (an Andalusian summer drink of Rioja wine and lemonade), followed by a shaded siesta under a giant oak tree?

Natalie personally trains all her horses and they all have superb manners. They are fit, responsive and very, very happy, with acres on which to run about, including a pond to splash in at the end of the day.

I have never seen horses so relaxed and joyful, rolling in the summer dust each evening after a cooling dip in their pond. Even sick Shorty had a roll ― an encouraging sign.

At the end of each day we eagerly helped out with un-tacking, (you can do as much or little as you wish!). We washed down our horses and helped feed them.

Our informal evenings were spent at cozy restaurants and bars in the village, eating alongside the locals under the stars.

The menus were local and seasonal, and always featured the Andalusian specialty of jamon ― the ham made from the acorn-feeding pigs we encountered on our daily horse treks.

Ending Our Trip

Seville, Spain. Photo by CanvaSeville, Spain. Photo by Canva
Seville, Spain. Photo by Canva

We ended our trip with the promised two days in Seville ― the capital city of Andalusia. With over 3,000 years of history.

It is a beautiful, magnificent, romantic, Baroque and Moorish City, with fantastic shops and plenty of culture, arts, museums, cathedrals and ancient buildings for those who like sightseeing.

Down cobbled streets are amazing hidden churches. There is a huge bull ring, numerous bars and restaurants, as well as green spaces. Transport around the city is in horse-drawn carriages or air-conditioned tourist buses.

We took that option in the 111 F (44 C) heat. The best end to the day was to watch the sun go down over Seville’s Guadalquivir River, casting its romantic pink haze over the city.

If You Go:

The Sierra Norte is part of Spain’s longest mountain range, the Sierra Morena, which separates Andalusia from the rest of the country.

Other cities well worth a visit in Andalusia besides Seville are Jerez (where sherry comes from), Cadiz, Cordoba and Granada.

The pension where we stayed was part of the tour package. Future guests will stay at the farm when the farmhouse is built.

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Plan With TAN: Explore The World With Travel Advantage Network

If you’re a frequent traveler and love exploring new vacation destinations, why not join a travel or vacation club? Becoming a member will unlock benefits, including access to numerous resorts in top destinations, ensuring every trip is memorable and affordable. The convenience of having a network of resorts worldwide at your fingertips makes vacation planning a breeze! With Travel Advantage Network (TAN), you’re guaranteed affordable resort reservations in some of the most popular vacation destinations. Are you a last-minute traveler? No problem! Plan with TAN to receive access to their excess inventory so you can book vacations whenever and wherever you want. So, if you’re ready to join TAN VIP, continue reading!

What is the Travel Advantage Network?

First and foremost, TAN allows members to travel flexibly with significant savings. Since 1991, this multi-destination network has created easily customizable vacations with overall convenience. Members buy vacation weeks in bulk upfront, which lets them save money in the long run.

In addition, TAN offers Right to Use floating timeshare weeks, which gives owners a more flexible timeshare experience. You may be on the fence about whether timeshare is right for you, so give TAN resorts a try with lower commitment and zero hassle.

Properties within the Plan With TAN VIP program offer great lodging options that are perfect for families. Like most timeshares, TAN resorts offer spacious suites featuring balconies, kitchens, dining space as well as multiple bedrooms. TAN clients can also purchase vacation weeks at hugely discounted rates. Because of this, members find it worthwhile to buy in bulk for years’ worth of travel at TAN resorts.

Plan With TAN Excess Inventory

The TAN’s Excess Inventory is complete with Plan With TAN vacation properties at highly discounted rates. They usually sell out quickly because of their instant availability. Posting in real time, these properties go by timeshare week dates. This is “excess” inventory, so members can book these vacations for super low prices without spending their annual vacation week. Booking a vacation through their Excess Inventory allows Plan With TAN members to discover deeply discounted vacations at some of the network’s best resorts. With TAN, members can save thousands of dollars by booking vacations. Imagine that!

Browse TAN Ownership Now

Start your annual vacation and savings plan with TAN today!

Perks For TAN Members

Aside from being an affordable option for travelers, TAN members enjoy many other benefits. Plan With TAN VIP members get the best of the best!

Plan With TAN Bonus Weeks

If you are a member of TAN that owns a timeshare, you are able to trade your week with TAN. When you trade in your timeshare week, you will be credited with two additional Bonus Weeks. These weeks will be deposited in your account and can be used like any other TAN credit to book vacations.

Plan With TAN VIP Members Split Week Inventory

One of the best benefits of being a Plan With TAN VIP traveler is the ability to take shorter vacations. VIP members can split their week and take shorter, more frequent trips. This is a great way to explore new destinations within the Travel Advantage Network.

TAN’s Vacation Assurance Program

TAN’s Vacation Assurance Program gives travelers peace of mind. If you need to cancel or reschedule your vacation, VAP ensures that you will not lose the reservation fees you spent. The earlier you cancel or change your reservation, the more credited fees will be instated. Keep in mind that not all fees, including parking or resort fees, are eligible for this refund.

TAN Offers Pet-Friendly Resorts

If you hate to leave your pet behind while traveling, TAN has some options for you! Currently, Pin Oak Resort in Pigeon Forge and Coastal Living Resort in Virginia Beach allow pets, so these are great choices if you plan to travel with your four-legged friend. TAN is also planning to offer more pet-friendly timeshare resorts in the future.

Best Plan With TAN Properties on the Resale Marketplace

Plan With TAN members can visit some of the most popular destinations in the world. From relaxing destinations like Hawaii to the thrills of Orlando, TAN offers resorts for every type of traveler. On Timeshares Only, we feature several TAN vacation properties that can be purchased or rented at competitive rates.

Liki Tiki Village in Orlando With Plan With TAN

Focused on creating a relaxed environment while still upholding excellent service, Liki Tiki Village condominium-style resort is perfectly located near Disney World while also being out of the way of Orlando traffic. The kids will be busy all day at the water activity park with two expansive pools, which is most important to parents. Five waterslides, a water volcano, and tiki heads create a fun atmosphere without a doubt.

Cofresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort in the Dominican Republic With Plan With TAN

Overlooking the crystal clear Caribbean Sea, this resort caters to a more luxurious environment while still being completely family-friendly. Perfect for a romantic getaway or an international family retreat, Cofresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort provides outstanding service and accommodations. Staying here will quickly fill your vacation schedule with introductory scuba lessons, theater shows, a nightclub, tennis courts, golf, and so much more. In addition, there are activities just for kids, so each family member, from toddlers, teens, and adults, can have an incredible experience at this TAN resort.

Olympic Village Inn Near Lake Tahoe, California With Plan With TAN

If you’re looking to escape to the alpine peaks of California’s Palisades Tahoe, you’ll love the Olympic Village Inn. This charming resort combines the tranquility of a mountainside lodge with all of the modern amenities you’ll need during your stay. Enjoy the area’s world-class skiing, explore the fascinating Olympic Village, or simply cozy up by your private fireplace. Guests will love unwinding in their spacious one-bedroom suite that delivers unforgettable mountain views.

Villas of Sedona in Arizona

Head to the west for some red rock adventures at Villas of Sedona in the desert. Nestled in between beautiful rock formations, giving guests unique and gorgeous views, Villas of Sedona townhouses are perfectly located near the heart of Sedona. On-site is an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, kids playground, and game room, as well as a dry sauna to create the ultimate desert vacation experience.

Ellington at Wachesaw Plantation near Myrtle Beach With Plan With TAN

Ellington at Wachesaw Plantation is just south of Myrtle Beach and is a great getaway for everyone in your travel party. Situated on the world-famous PGA Myrtle Beach Golf Course, the Wachesaw East Golf Course, the sports enthusiast will undoubtedly love its prime location. All types of water activities will also be must-do events, from sailing to deep-sea fishing and more. Accommodations include one-, two-, and three-bedroom villas with private balconies, laundry units, and fully-equipped kitchens. Have fun out in the sun at the Atlantic beaches or on beautiful hiking trails, and then come back to your home away from home to unwind at the TAN resort.

Mayan Palace Puerto Vallarta in Mexico With Plan With TAN

You’ll find the Mayan Palace in Puerto Vallarta, where the perfect climate and beaches draw in thousands of tourists. This resort will certainly delight your senses and give you a memorable Mexican vacation. The private beach access, crystal clear pools, and palm trees swaying in the wind bring families and couples alike back year after year. An on-site spa, bar lounge, and adults-only pool all create a perfect parents’ retreat. Mayan Palace Puerto Vallarta is also family-friendly, with unique family rooms and kitchenettes. The activities are endless in Puerto Vallarta, so take advantage of this gorgeous beach city.

Grandview Resort in Las Vegas With Plan With TAN

The Grandview at Las Vegas is conveniently located near the world-famous Las Vegas Strip. You’ll find a kitchen and laundry unit in every one-bedroom or two-bedroom suite. The resort’s amenities include five hot tubs, poolside activities, kids’ events, mini-golf, and a fitness center. Numerous local attractions are within easy reach of Las Vegas, including the Hoover Dam, Red Rock Canyon, Valley of Fire, and Death Valley. All of these attractions provide some of the most magnificent scenery in the world.  

Plan With TAN Resorts on Our Marketplace

Plan With TAN Membership for Sale

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Are you interested in joining the TAN? Browse our available Travel Advantage Network resales available to start exploring the Plan With Tan benefits. When you’re ready to buy a timeshare, we’re here to help! Simply make an offer on the timeshare ad that best fits your criteria. Alternatively, if you aren’t ready to commit but want to test out the perks of timeshares, renting a timeshare is a great way to do just that! Have questions? Give us a call today at 1-800-610-2734. It would be our pleasure to assist you in any way we can.

Browse Timeshares Now

Start saving on vacations with TAN today!